

作者:大学生就业创业服务网 时间:2018-11-12 点击次数:2591


True or False: These Tests Can Tell if You Are Right for This Job

职业性格测试 你了解几分?

An applicant's handshake may be crucial at a job interview. But a personality test can tell a company what's behind that handshake.


Companies as varied as electronics retailer HHGregg Inc., rental-car agency Avis Budget Group Inc. and Sprint Nextel Corp. all use personality tests to help assess job applicants for conscientiousness, extroversion or other traits that may be useful in forging a successful career伟or, alternatively, derail one.

电子产品零售商HHGregg、汽车租赁企业Avis Budget Group集团以及通信公司Sprint Nextel等各类企业都在采用性格测试来考察求职者的责任心、外向性格以及其他可能有助于造就成功职业生涯(亦或毁掉职业生涯)的性格特征。

The questions are rarely straightforward, and neither are the answers. Psychology is involved, after all. Applicants may try to give answers they think the company wants to hear, and aren't likely to admit to character flaws or bad behavior. So there can be a great deal of opacity regarding what the questions are even measuring, psychologists say.


Moreover, test makers say a single answer holds little meaning in its own right and must be weighed alongside a series of other responses. For the best predictive results, companies often find out what traits their high performers display, and then test for those characteristics.


Here is a sampling of personality-test questions, what psychologists and test designers say about what each question is really looking for, and how the range of possible responses could be interpreted.


1. On television, I usually prefer watching an action movie than a program about art.

1. 看电视时,相比文艺节目,我一般更喜欢看动作片。

A) Often

A) 经常

B) ?

B) ?

C) Rarely

C) 很少

This question, from 16PF, the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, addresses an applicant's preference for logic versus feelings and intuition, says Ralph A. Mortensen, chief psychologist of the test's publisher, the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing. Someone opting for an action flick may be more fact-focused, an important trait for analytical jobs. Those who answer 'rarely' may have more creative personalities. If they choose the question mark on B, it doesn't tell you much: Perhaps they do both an equal amount or perhaps they simply aren't sure.

这道测试题取自16种个性因素问卷(Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire,简称“16PF”),该测试题的发布者、人格及能力测试研究所(Institute for Personality and Ability Testing)的首席心理学家拉尔夫?A.莫滕森(Ralph A. Mortensen)称,该题考查的是答题者对逻辑及感觉与直觉的偏好。喜欢看动作片的人可能更注重事实,这是从事分析类工作的重要特质。那些回答为“很 少”的人可能更具有创造力。如果答题者选择了B选项中的问号,其提供的信息量就不多,它可能表示答题者看动作片与文艺节目的时间相差无几,又或者是他们对 此不确定。

2. True or False: I like parties and socials.

2. 是非题:“我喜欢参加派对和社交。”

A 'True' response would be a positive sign for the 'sociability' scale, indicating an outgoing personality. But it's a negative for 'independence.' It could mean 'you like being part of a crowd,' Dr. Thompson says. 'And if you like being part of a crowd, perhaps you follow the crowd.'


3. True or False: People often expect too much of me.

3. 是非题:“大家常常对我期望过高。”

This question, from the California Psychological Inventory, indicates a test taker's 'conceptual fluency,' or ability to understand complex concepts, says Rich Thompson, director of research at test publisher CPP Inc. Someone who answers 'True' is likely to be easily overwhelmed and may not believe in his or her own talent.

这道题选自加州心理调查表(California Psychological Inventory),该测试题的发布者CPP公司的研究主管里奇·汤普森(Rich Thompson)称,该题能够表明答题者的“概念流利性”,即理解复杂概念的能力。回答为“是”的答题者可能容易被压力压垮、不相信自己的才能。

4. Select one statement that reflects the viewpoint most like yours. Then, from the remaining choices, select the one statement that least reflects your viewpoint.

4. 从以下选项中选择最能反映你观点的一句话。然后从剩余的选项中选出最不符合你观点的一句话。

A. I don't necessarily need to define and control the agenda.


B. It's almost never necessary to hurt other people's feelings.


C. I'm usually the first person to strike up a conversation with strangers.


D. I would never step over others in order to ensure my own success.


This question, from the Caliper Profile, measures someone's need to be controlling (A), as well as their sensitivity (B), gregariousness (C) and aggressiveness (D). The assessment, published by Caliper Corp., compares groupings of 23 personality traits. While some people may be deemed more sensitive than aggressive, based on their responses to this question, that doesn't mean they're pushovers. Other statements may reveal those same people are more aggressive than they are self-disciplined. 'It's all relative,' says Herb Greenberg, Caliper's founder and chief executive, and certain traits will be more important for certain jobs.

这道测试题选自Caliper Profile,它测试的是答题者的(A)控制欲、(B)情感敏感度、(C)合群程度以及(D)强势性格。由Caliper公司发布的Caliper Profile评测对23种分组的性格特点进行了比较。根据答题者对这道题的回答,有些人可能会被认为更加敏感而不够强势,但这并不代表他们就是软弱之 人。选择其他选项可能表示这些人更加强势而自我约束能力不强。Caliper公司的创始人兼首席执行长赫布·格林伯格(Herb Greenberg)指出,这都是相对的,而且某些特质在特定的工作岗位中更加重要。

5. True or false: I don't mind being told what to do.

5. 是非题:“我不介意别人告诉我要做什么。”

Someone saying 'True' may follow directions well, or in the extreme may be incapable of independent action. A 'False' response suggests autonomy, or could indicate the respondent is difficult to manage, Dr. Shalhoop says.


6. True or false: I do many things better than almost everyone I know.

6. 是非题:“很多事情我都做得比我认识的几乎每一个人都要好。”

Responding 'True' to this question from the Hogan Personality Inventory could indicate confidence or arrogance, while a 'False' response conveys humility or insecurity, says Jarrett Shalhoop, senior consultant at Hogan Assessment Systems.

这道题选自Hogan Assessment Systems公司的霍根性格调查表(Hogan Personality Inventory),该公司的高级顾问贾瑞特·夏尔胡普(Jarrett Shalhoop)称,对这道测试题回答“是”可能表明答题者自信或自大,而回答为“否”传达出的则是答题者的谦逊或不安全感。

7. Answer the following on a five-point scale, whether it is more true or more false.

7. 下列情况更符合还是更不符合你的实际情况,依照五分制为此评分。

'Is uneasy when receiving praise.'


This statement, from the WorkPlace Big Five Profile 4.0, measures humility and pride, helpful in identifying confident, successful salespeople. Pride is important, but humility is valued more in academic or religious settings, says Pierce J. Howard, managing director of research and development at the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, which created the profile. 'Spit and polish and charm are not going to do it for that sort of audience,' Dr. Howard says.

选自WorkPlace Big Five Profile 4.0的这道题测试的是谦逊或自豪的程度,有助于发掘自信成功的销售人员。设计这份测试资料的应用认知研究中心(Center for Applied Cognitive Studies)的研发总经理皮尔斯dinaJ.霍华德(Pierce J. Howard)称,自豪是一种重要的特质,但是谦逊在学术界或宗教界则更被看重。他说:“对于这方面的受众来说,过分注重仪表和施展魅力不起作用。”


上一篇: 通过职业性格测试觅人才 老板,你愿意吗?

下一篇: DISC测试,测测你是什么职业性格?

